- Latest version includes 3 new games: Board Patience, Martha & Queen of Italy
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Board Patience, Martha & Queen of Italy
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Fifteens, Storehouse & Streets and Alleys
Patiens är en gratis samling patiensspel, som inkluderar dussintals olika patienser, inklusive den berömda Kungen (FreeCell), Harpan (Klondike), Spindelharpan och många fler!
De viktigaste funktionerna i Patiens är:
- 100 % gratis
- Inget behov av att ladda ner filer eller registrera dig för att spela
- Smidiga animationer
- Vackra kortuppsättningar, baksidor, bakgrunder och teman att välja mellan
- Många automatiseringar för ett trevligare spel
- Segeranimation
- Statistik, höga poäng och prestationer
- "Tips"-funktion
- och mycket mer...
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Alternation, Castles in Spain & Scarab
- Added "Foundation Light Effect" and "Shake Effect"!
Solitär ist eine kostenlose Sammlung von Spielen aus der Solitaire-Familie, die Dutzende verschiedener Solitaire-Spiele umfasst, darunter das sehr beliebte FreeCell, Klondike (Solitär), Spider und viele mehr!
Hauptmerkmale von Solitär:
- 100% kostenlos
- Erfordert weder Download noch Registrierung
- Reibungslose und erweiterte Animationen
- Wunderschöne Kartensets, Kartenrückseiten, Hintergründe und Themen zur Auswahl
- Zahlreiche Automatismen, um das Spiel unterhaltsamer zu machen
- Siegesanimation
- Statistiken und Ergebnisse der besten Ergebnisse
- Hinweisfunktion
- und vieles mehr...
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Agnes Bernauer, Superior Canfield & The Nation
- Added the "Random Game" button and the "Search" tool!
Solitaire est une collection gratuite de jeux de solitaire, qui comprend des dizaines de solitaires différents, dont le célèbre FreeCell, Klondike (Solitaire), Spider et bien d'autres encore !
Les principales caractéristiques du Solitaire sont:
- 100% gratuit
- Pas besoin de télécharger des fichiers ou de s'inscrire pour jouer
- Animations fluides
- De superbes jeux de cartes, dos, arrière-plans et thèmes parmi lesquels choisir
- De nombreux automatismes pour un jeu plus agréable
- Animation de victoire
- Statistiques, scores élevés et réalisations
- Fonction "Conseil"
- beaucoup plus...
Solitario es una colección gratuita de juegos tipo solitario, que incluye decenas de solitarios diferentes, entre los cuales los famosísimos Carta Blanca, Klondike (Solitario), Spider y muchos más!
Las principales características de Solitario son:
- 100% Gratis
- No es necesario descargar archivos o registrarse para jugar
- Animaciones fluidas
- Bellísimos sets de cartas, dorsos, fondos y temas para escoger
- Numerosos automatismos para un juego más agradable
- Animación de victoria
- Estadísticas, Puntuaciones Altas y Logros
- Función "Pista"
- y mucho más...
Solitario è una raccolta gratuita di giochi della famiglia dei solitari che comprende decine di differenti solitari tra cui i famosissimi FreeCell, Klondike (Solitario), Spider e molti altri ancora!
Principali caratteristiche di Solitario:
- 100% Gratis
- Non richiede download o registrazione
- Animazioni fluide e avanzate
- Bellissimi set di carte, dorsi di carte, sfondi e temi tra cui scegliere
- Numerosi automatismi per rendere il gioco più gradevole
- Animazione di vittoria
- Statistiche e Punteggi dei migliori risultati
- Funzione suggerimento
- e molto altro ancora...
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Ali Baba, Canfield & Spiderette
- Added the "Large Print Stucco" Theme!
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Blockade, Fortress & Gargantua
- Latest version includes 3 new games: Beleaguered Castle, Deuces and Raglan
- "New" label will show you the latest games added
- "Redeal" counter
- 3 New games: Busy Aces, King Albert and Whitehead
- 3 New games: House in the Wood, Limited and Steps
- 3 New games: Double Rail, Lady Palk and Trefoil!
- 3 New games: Aunt Mary, Canister and Gaps (Addiction)!
- 3 New games: Blind Alleys, Carlton, Will-o'-the-wisp!
- 3 New games: Grandfather's Clock, Royal Rendezvous, Yukon!
- 5 New games: Fan, Forty and Eight, La Belle Lucie, Milligan Harp and Westcliff!
- A new "Hints" has been added to Solitaire - Play Online 17 Games
- New Winning Animations!
- New languages added: Українська and 繁體中文!
- New languages added: Türk and ไทย!
- Includes the new "Winter Scenes" Theme!
New "New Game" menu, with new buttons, graphics and new menu items
Game dialog boxes can be moved throughout the screen
Game "Autoplay" speed has been improved
Improved game playability
Enjoy playing your favorite solitaire card games with the beautiful "Autumn Colors" theme!
The new "Summer Holidays" theme has been added!
Includes game playability improvements
Layouts optimized for increasing the card size when playing on smartphones.
The new "Spring Joy" theme has been added!
Includes game playability improvements
Includes minor improvements
Includes the new "Themes". A theme is a set of graphic elements, including a background, a card set and a card back.
Includes the "Install App" feature: now you can easily add an icon to your desktop and have Solitaire handy all time! Follow this link and click on "Install app"
- We have improved the display size of the solitaire games
- Left-handed option added
Now you can add Solitaire - Play Online 12 Games to your phone or tablet Home Screen
- "Show Enter Hi-Scores" Check Box in the "Options" Menu
- Change Player name in the "Options" Menu
- "Hints" command improvement
- Progress bar
- Hi-Scores
- Achievements dialog box when a level game is reached